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You can't grow a big crop on nutrient-poor soil, that's why growers look for where to buy cannabis fertilizer in Ukraine to saturate plants with necessary elements. Online store Coffeeshop ® offers a huge selection of quality compounds from proven manufacturers, which will breathe energy and vigor into your future harvest.
Views of fertilizer for cannabis, hemp, marijuana
All fertilizers are divided into organic and mineral. Organic solutions are made from naturally purified ingredients. Mineral fertilizers are chemical formulations in which nutrients are concentrated.
Organic Fertilizers
This group includes compounds that accelerate the development of plants at all stages of growth. This is where people who are not yet experienced in handling these types of substances can get a head start in the world of grooving. Organic fertilizers do not “burn out” the plant, even if an inexperienced grower misses the dosage. Plus, such compositions can be mixed with each other - the plant itself will take from the soil only what it needs. Organics also have disadvantages. For example, to buy this kind of fertilizer for hemp, you will have to wait for the warm season, because in the cold it spoils during transportation. Organic solutions are “capricious” than mineral ones, they cost more and are stored less, but they allow the plant to realize its full genetic potential. In addition, such compositions do not accumulate salts in the soil.
Mineral fertilizers
When using mineral solutions, you need to carefully monitor their concentration, do not mix different types and use clearly according to the instructions +Mineral fertilizers to speed up the growth of cannabis work faster than organic ones. They bypass the stage of processing by bacteria and immediately get to the plant. +They do not depend on temperature. These solutions can be ordered at any time of the year. +Mineral fertilizers have a lower consumption and low cost. However, these solutions leave salts in the soil and change its alkaline balance, which means that it will be necessary to buy control devices and substances to equalize these indicators.
Tricks to Using Marijuana Growth Fertilizer
- The first time, do not use the maximum recommended dose of fertilizer that is listed on the package. Plants are alive, and changing conditions is like stress to them. Anyone who sells cannabis fertiliser knows that plants have to adapt to changes in conditions. Add the solutions gradually and in increasing concentrations.
- Use fertilizer only when the plant has reached the right stage and not before. If the manufacturers recommend to start fertilizing a month or two after sprouting, it is better to consult the growth phase rather than the time.
- Before dilution, shake the container with the fertilizer well, so that the heavy fractions are evenly distributed throughout the liquid.
- Bury loose fertilizers and dressings in the ground so they can penetrate to the root system more quickly.
Effective cannabis fertilizer at Coffeeshop®
You can't grow good weed without a good mentor for the novice grower. So don't hesitate to ask our managers about a product you are interested in. We will help you to choose a good cannabis fertilizer, which you can buy legally in Ukraine. We offer:
- A convenient way of payment - cash on delivery or Western Union;
- Shipping orders to any part of the world;
- A pleasant bonus in every parcel. At Coffeeshop® you will find everything for growing marijuana at home at a reasonable price.